Eat a Rainbow.

December 29, 2010

The best way to do this is to eat eight to ten servings of mostly dark greens and colorful fruits and vegetables. Adding the bright colored fruits to your plate can help you keep yourself and your immune system in shape. In the long run it lowers your risk of heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s and above all it helps to look and feel younger.
Young and middle-aged people may even be able to reduce risk of diseases of aging–including senility–simply by adding high-ORAC foods to their diets.
Brightly colored fruits and vegetables apparently are better for you than even mom knew. The big problem is just to get them in the quantities necessary to actually feel the difference. Another problem is today’s ‘Hi- Tech’ way of producing them. Fertilizers, Herbicides, Pesticides, Irradiation, Genetic Modification, Waxes, Preservatives…..One might ask themselves if that Can even be healthy?
And how many really are willing to pay the extra price for organic produce all the time? What about your favorite restaurant?
Luckily specially prepared super food powder mixes of fruit and vegetable juice and related phyto nutrient extracts can be a convenient second best alternative. Just be sure to pick a super food powder mix that first of all tastes good, so that the whole family will enjoy it. Secondly, make sure that the label states that each serving supplies at least 3500 ORAC units.
Also consider taking a Complete, 100% natural Multi Vitamin, as well as Alpha Lipoic Acid, Coenzyme Q10, and Grape Seed Extract.
It stands to reason, that it can only be better to find an alternative to the inconvenience and high cost of organic produce in the amounts necessary than not getting the right nutrients at all!

Highlight Parts Of This Page

December 19, 2010

Nochmal ein Blog fuer Gasthaus 2*4*1

October 24, 2010

Artificial Sweeteners Make Us Fat!

April 24, 2010

Artificial Sweeteners Make Us Fat!

not only do the sweeteners stimulate insulin production, which help to store body fat, they increase cravings for real starches and sugary foods because of lowered blood sugar. Once you increase the intake of real carbohydrates and real sugary foods, then, of course, it starts the insulin cycle again, converting more and more blood sugar to triglycerides, which is the stored form of body fat.

For more information about this process, you might want to check out my video on this site and a couple of others that I think you might find very interesting.

The Stuff We Put in Our Mouths!

April 18, 2010


If you know me, you know I always rant about all the ‘plastic’ foods some people call normal groceries.
Friends have criticized me:) for not buying certain things for my kid and , funniest of all, for not knowing how the drive through at the local MC D’s works.

Well, for those wondering what’s the big deal, natural versus artificial ‘processed’ food, here is some good info. Short and to the point.

If we think about the biggest health problems, like Asthma and  Heart Desease and school problems, I’m thinking of ADHD and also of the all to common Inactivity- Problem, perhaps it would make sense to be more careful about what we take home from the supermarket.
Many recommended foods, like cold- pressed organic oils, The all natural sweetener STEVIA, a pure plant extract, organic nuts and seeds etc. can be mail ordered from Swansons Health Products without breaking the budget.  I’ve been doing it for years.

Hello world!

April 16, 2010

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

New from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: Vitamins Alter Aging

March 24, 2010

New from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: Vitamins Alter Aging

I was just reading this in ‘Total Health Breakthroughs’:

"The next time you hear some nay-saying doctor claiming that there is no evidence that vitamins actually do anything, show him this:

A new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that multivitamins can keep you younger, longer. The study found that those who took a multivitamin daily had 5.1 percent longer telomeres than those who didn’t.

Telomeres are the key to aging. And it’s not just your lifespan that’s affected… Short telomeres dramatically boost your risk of serious diseases. One study of 60- to 75-year-olds showed that those with short telomeres had a 300% higher death rate from heart disease and an 800% higher death rate from infectious diseases."

So here is one more reason to just go ahead and do this one simple thing: take that vitamin every morning!
If we do something just for ourselves, even a little thing like that, we feel better already anyway. And even if we eat junk sometimes, I’m sure junk with all the necessary vitamins and nutrients combined is better than junk alone!

It doesn’t have to break the budget, either. You can get all the best brand name products or just a simple all natural Multi Vitamin for less than supermarket prices here. All Natural -NOT synthetic – is the key. Afterall our bodies are  natural , for the most parts, anyway 🙂  They are much more likely to know what to do with Natural Supplements than with ‘plastic’, don’t you think?

Verena from

Are You The Cause Of Someone’s Sleepless Nights?

March 21, 2010
Snore No More
 By Verena ($27.95)
                In less than 7 Days, Without Annoying Throat Wraps, Nose Clips or any Other Cockamamie Devises,
                You and Your Loved Ones Can Get a Good Nights Sleep – Guaranteed  Do it NOW!

No More Artificial Sweeteners!

March 21, 2010
 For years I’ve been hearing that those DIET sodas etc. are bad for you.
But what matter, if at least they save us from getting fat, right? Wrong, and here is why:
 Medical Myths
Lecture by Dr. K. Steven Whiting

Dr. K. Steven Whiting: Hello, I’m Dr. Whiting. And today I want to take a few minutes of your time to talk about some of the most common health and diet myths. You see, there’s a lot of things that we have come to believe about health and diet that are not exactly true. In fact, the only reason that we believe in these things is because the myth, or the story, has been repeated over and over again—such as cholesterol and its role in heart disease, diabetes management and several others. So, let’s take a look at some of these quickly and if you find some of these subjects interesting, or if they are of concern to you, I would suggest you check out my other videos in this series on these specific subjects where we talk about them in a little bit more detail.

Artificial sweeteners, that’s another myth. We believe that artificial sweeteners can’t make us fat because they don’t contain any calories, so we can have all we want. And this, again, is untrue because artificial sweeteners tend to trick the brain into believing we’re eating real sugar at which point the body produces a hormone called insulin, lowers blood sugar, this stimulates appetite and it makes us hungry all the time. I have been preaching about the dangers of artificial sweeteners for many years—probably 20 years now—and just recently there were two clinical studies that finally have proven that people who consume high amounts of artificial sweeteners, especially on an empty stomach, tend to gain weight and have a harder time to lose weight.

If you’re a diabetic, this particular area’s of interest to you. And we’re not saying never use artificial sweeteners. We’re saying A) use them in moderation and B) always use them in conjunction with food. Never consume them on an empty stomach. When we talk about diabetes, we’re talking about a situation where we are told, or led to believe by medicine, that once you are a diabetic, you’re a diabetic for life and there’s actually no way to eliminate the problem. This, again, is a myth. It’s untrue. Many type II diabetics have been able to walk away from their illness completely and control it as if they had no illness at all, through a combination of diet, exercise and the right nutrients. If you have diabetes, I’m telling you, you have a great chance of improving or even eliminating your diabetic problem. Check my video out on diabetes for more information.

Makes you think, doesn’t it? I wonder how many of us do what I always did and try to compensate for the unhealthy "help" to our waist line -and other unhealthy habits- by taking multi vitamins and supplements for our particular problem areas. That’s fine, I think. But what about this official and FDA approved "help", that is actually defeating it’s own purpose?
There are natural alternatives, like extract of Stevia, the Sweet Herb. No adverse effects, no calories, no Worries! And you’ll find it here at a lower price than Splenda at the store! I tried their Stevia Extract in individual Packets and it actually tastes better than any of the artificials.
Be Well,

Mind over Matter

March 14, 2010
There it is, as a toy! Just imagine the possibilities. Now we still need a computer to make it happen, but do we? Or do we think we need a crutch, to be able to believe what we do already all the time? find out more here and get some inspiration here. Nothing to buy, but a lot of information to peak your interest even more!